生物醫學學院教育學部成員包括黃水珊博士、施由鴻博士及鄧美娟博士利用暑期餘下的時間,於 2024 年 8 月 24 日至 28 日出席在瑞士巴塞爾舉行的2024年國際衛生專業教育學會年會(AMEE),展示他們的教學成果。AMEE 是一年一度的頂尖國際醫學教育會議。
項目題目 |
作者 (學院成員#) |
Culture-specific, Hands-on, Interactive Dignity Dining Workshops Cultivating Medical Students’ Awareness of Elderly Care |
盧穎心、李嘉慧、李志朗、文慧妍、楊恒美#、黃水珊# |
A Two-Year Cohort Study: Online Micro-module Anti-Sexual Harassment Training Improves Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Amongst Hong Kong Medical Students |
徐詠源、盧穎心、李尚哲、陳秀雯、吳兆文, 黃水珊# |
How does an AI avatar facilitate small-group learning in the classroom setting? A novel human-computer interface for human anatomy education |
施由鴻#、林天嵐、雷綺琳 |
Establishment in Academic Collegiality among Health Professional Students by Peer-assisted Study Sessions (PASS) |
楊恒美#、黃水珊#、司徒偉文 |
Driving Stimulus Motives in Quality Education with Innovative Digital Learning Space (DLS) |
鄧美娟#、周弘浚、吳正研 |
Student-Oriented Dissection Workshop (SDW) in Preclinical Training |
蔡泓毅、蕭卓行、麥逸信、鄧美娟# |
施由鴻博士(右)與林天嵐博士(左)及主持 Stefano Sandrone博士(中)合照