School of Biomedical Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學


學院成員#及非學院成員(首席導師*) 項目題目 獲資助金額(港幣)
黃水珊博士*# 、楊恒美博士*#、盧穎心女士、李嘉慧女士、李志朗先生 ‘Introduction and Application of Dignity Dining’ Through Innovative Workshops: A Novel and Pioneering Approach to Create Awareness and Compassion on Elderly Care in Medical Students $114,868
鄧美娟博士*#、劉善雅博士#、顏妙融教授*、 鄧力恒先生*、賴仲軒先生* 、藍澧銓教授、 李毓雯博士、 彭俊強先生、吳正研女士、黃卓妍女士、 羅芯誼女士、 畢天行先生 Innovative Digital Learning Space Drives Stimulus Motives in Quality of Education $293,332
施由鴻博士*# GenAI Playground: Developing Traceable and Responsible Student Uses of Generative AI for Education $100,565
李秀華醫生*、施由鴻博士*# Modular Educational Escape Rooms: a Programme-level, Scalable Pedagogy for Enhancing Learning, Teamwork and Communication Skills $263,045

