School of Biomedical Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學

Event Highlights

Events for the BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme

Date : 2024-05-14
Details :

The BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme Team participated in / organized the following activities between January and April 2024:

  • Outreach Activities for International Students Admissions 2024 Entry: Dr. Ann S.N. Lau, Associate Director (Undergraduate Education) cum Director of BSc in Biomedical Sciences (BMS) Programme of SBS took part in the Admission Caravans – outreach activities organized by the Office of Admission and Financial Aids (OAFA) of CUHK on 20 – 23 January, 2 – 6 March and 28 – 29 April 2024 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Taiwan and Macau respectively, aiming to recruit international students for 2024 admission. During the events, Dr. Lau gave admission talks and programme consultations, participated in the admission interviews for potential students and paid visits to secondary schools. Ms Lee Zhi Xuen, BMS alumni, also had her personal sharing with participants of the activity held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Counsellor Fly-in Programme 2024: On 14 March 2024, 29 high school counsellors from 9 countries, including Azerbaijan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, South Africa, and Vietnam visited SBS. Please refer to here for details.
  • Mini-Lecture for Po Leung Kuk Gifted and Talented Programme: The admission event was co-organized by CUHK OAFA with Po Leung Kuk (PLK), which invited faculties to offer various taster activities/mini-lectures for the participants of the PLK-CUHK Gifted and Talented Programme. Dr Ann S.N. Lau represented the Faculty to deliver a mini-lecture on “Before and After Death” for 179 students from schools of PLK on 15 March 2024.
  • Introduction of DUKE-NUS MD Programme of NUS Medical School, Singapore: Connected by the Office of Academic Links, Dr Lai Siang Hui from NUS Medical School introduced the DUKE-MD Programme and its innovative teaching approach to our students on 15 March 2024.
  • BiomedSci Career Talk Series 2024: A series of events were organized aiming to allow BMS students to get informed of the market trend, career choice, information pertaining to applying for postgraduate studies with different postgraduate programme options, and to facilitate their job applications upon graduation. They included:
  • Date

    Event Name


    22 March 2024

    A Career as a Patent Attorney – An alternative path for science and engineering graduates

    Ms Pauli Wong
    Principal and Chinese Patent Attorney, Eagle IP

    2 April 2024

    Interview Skills and CV Writing Workshop

    Dr Ann S.N. Lau
    Associate Director
    (Undergraduate Education)
    & Director, BMS Programme, SBS

    3 April 2024

    Postgraduate Studies at SBS

    Prof. Woody W.Y. Chan
    Associate Director (Graduate Education), SBS

    5 April 2024

    An Update on the Development of the Biomedical R&D Industry in Hong Kong

    Dr Alan Pang
    Chief Executive Officer, TGD Life Company Limited

    10 April 2024

    MSc in Genomics and Bioinformatics and the Career Opportunities in the Field

    Prof. Stephen K.W. Tsui
    Programme Director, MSc in Genomics and Bioinformatics, SBS, & Directors of the Hong Kong Bioinformatics Centre and the Centre for Microbial Genomics and Proteomics, CUHK

    22 April 2024

    Academic CV Writing Workshop

    Prof. Zhao Hui
    Associate Professor, SBS

    Prof. Jacque P.K. Ip
    Associate Professor, SBS

  • Capstone Research Project Presentation Day 2024: On 12 April 2024, the following final year BMS students with concentration in “Biomedical Research” were arranged to present their research findings derived from the one-year Capstone Research Project under the supervision of a research mentor from the School:
  • Final Year Student

    Research Mentor

    Ms. Wang Ziqing

    Prof. Anna Maria Blocki

    Ms. Chuang Min-Yu

    Prof. Woody W.Y. Chan

    Ms. Leung Sum Yin Valerie #

    Prof. Chen Yangchao

    Ms. Lin Hong Man

    Prof. Albert H.H.Cheung

    Ms. Wong Hoi Ting

    Prof. Feng Bo

    Ms. Fung Yu Shan

    Prof. Gu Shen

    Ms. Zhang Shuhan

    Prof. Hui Xiaoyan

    Mr. Tsang Chiu Yeung

    Prof. Jacque P.K.Ip

    Ms. Lo Ka Wai

    Prof. Elmer Ker

    Mr. Yam Ming Ho

    Prof. Sham Mai Har

    Mr. Wong Hin Kwan

    Prof. Carol M. Tong

    Mr. Cheung Hoi Pan Harry

    Prof. Michelle Wang

    Mr. Zhu Yindong

    Prof. Zhao Hui

    Ms. Ho Yin Lam

    Prof. Zhou Jingying

    # Recipient of Best Presentation Award

    We were honoured to have invited the following guests and professors as panel assessors of the presentations:

      Prof. Woody W.Y. Chan
      Associate Director (Graduate Education), School of Biomedical Sciences, CUHK

      Prof. Stephen K.W. Tsui
      Associate Director (Research), School of Biomedical Sciences, CUHK

      Prof. Hector S.O. Chan
      Associate Director (External Links), School of Biomedical Sciences, CUHK

      Prof. Guo Yusong
      Associate Professor, Division of Life Sciences, HKUST

      Prof. Geoffrey C.Y. Lau
      Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience, CityU

  • Programme Taster Fair 2024: Coordinated by OAFA on 13 April 2024, a mini-lecture / taster class titled “Tissue Engineering and Regeneration – SciFi or Future” was delivered by Prof Anna Blocki, Associate Professor at SBS and Institute for Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine (iTERM), CUHK. More than 100 senior secondary students attended the event. Prof. Michelle Wang Dan, Assistant Professor at SBS and Institute for Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine (iTERM), CUHK also delivered a hands-on workshop titled “Lab Practical on Tissue Engineering Techniques” to more than 60 prospective students.

Dr. Ann Lau (left) and Dr. Tony Yung (right) (taken during the outreach activity held in Kuala Lumper, Malaysia)

Ms Lee Zhi Xuen (taken during the outreach activity held in Kuala Lumper, Malaysia)

Dr. Ann Lau (right) (taken during the mini-lecture for Po Leung Kuk Gifted and Talented Programme)

Group photo of Dr. Lai Siang Hui (5th right) and the members and students of SBS ) (taken during the introduction talk of DUKE-NUS MD Programme of NUS Medical School, Singapore

Snapshots and group photo taken during Capstone Research Project Presentation Day 2024

(middle) Ms. Leung Sum Yin Valerie, Recipient of Best Presentation Award

Prof. Anna Blocki (1st right)(taken during the Programme Taster Fair 2024)

Prof. Michelle Wang Dan (1st left)(taken during the Programme Taster Fair 2024)