School of Biomedical Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學

Prof. SCHNUPP Wilbert Jan HendrickProfessor

BSc Genetics (UCL) , BA Mathematical Sciences (Open), DPhil Neurophysiology (Oxon)

Telephone:   3943 5144

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  323A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building






Prof. SCHNUPP Wilbert Jan Hendrick graduated from University College London with a Bachelor in Genetics in 1990 and obtained a doctorate in Neurophysiology from the University of Oxford in 1996 and a bachelor in mathematical sciences from the Open University in 2006. He was a junior research fellow at Christ Church, Oxford and a visiting research fellow at the University of Wisconsin at Madison before joining the faculty of the University of Oxford in 2002, where he was promoted to Professor in 2010. He joined the faculty of City University of Hong Kong in 2016, and got promoted to Chair Professor in 2023. In 2024, Jan joined the faculty of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


He is interested in how sensory processing interpret auditory inputs to the brain are transformed to underpin subjective perceptual qualities of sound such as pitch, timbre and sound source location, and how the brain learns to adapt to the statistical structure of the sounds in our environment to form efficient neural representations of sound and to support auditory scene analysis.

  1. Binaural Hearing in Animal Models for Cochlear Implantation
  2. Neural mechanisms of auditory perception and predictive coding
  3. Sensory plasticity and adaptation to the auditory environment
  1. Drew Cappotto, HiJee Kang, Kongyan Li, Lucia Melloni, Jan Schnupp*, Ryszard Auksztulewicz*. (2002) Simultaneous Mnemonic and Predictive Representations in the Auditory Cortex, Schnupp*, Ryszard Auksztulewicz*. (2002) Simultaneous Mnemonic and Predictive Representations in the Auditory Cortex, Current Biology (32:11)
  2. Rosskothen-Kuhl, N., Buck, A. N., Li, K., & Schnupp, J. W. Microsecond Interaural Time Difference Discrimination Restored by Cochlear Implants After Neonatal Deafness, Published Jan 2021, ELife, 498105; doi: DOI: 10.7554/eLife.59300
  3. Kongyan Li *, Vani G. Rajendran *, Ambika Prasad Mishra, Chloe H.K. Chan, Jan W. H. Schnupp (2021) Interaural Time Difference Tuning in the Rat Inferior Colliculus is Predictive of Behavioral Sensitivity, Hearing Research
  4. Rajendran VG, Schnupp JWH. Frequency tagging cannot measure neural tracking of beat or meter. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019;116(8):2779-2780. doi:10.1073/pnas.1820020116
  5. Auksztulewicz R, Myers NE, Schnupp JW, Nobre AC. Rhythmic Temporal Expectation Boosts Neural Activity by Increasing Neural Gain. J Neurosci. 2019;39(49):9806-9817. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0925-19.2019
  6. Rabinowitz NC, Willmore BDB, King AJ, Schnupp JWH (2013) Constructing Noise-Invariant Representations of Sound in the Auditory Pathway. PLoS Biol 11(11): e1001710.
  7. Bizley JK, Walker KM, King AJ, Schnupp JW. (2013) Auditory Cortex Represents Both Pitch Judgments and the Corresponding Acoustic Cues. Current Biology, 23(7):620-5 doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2013.03.003.
  8. JK Bizley, KMM Walker, BW Silverman, AJ King and JWH Schnupp, (2009) Interdependent encoding of pitch, timbre and spatial location in auditory cortex. J Neurosci 29(7):2064-75.
  9. Schnupp JWH, Hall TD, Kokelaar RF, Ahmed B (2006) Plasticity of temporal pattern codes for vocalization stimuli in auditory cortex J Neurosci 26:4785-95
  10. Schnupp, JWH, Mrsic-Flogel, T. D. and AJ King (2001) Linear Processing of Spatial Cues in Primary Auditory Cortex. Nature 414, 200-4
  11. *co-corresponding authors

  1. 2019-21 SSIF: Experience related brain plasticity in processing of interaural time differences
  2. 2020-22 HMRF: Calcium wide-field imaging as a tool for evaluating cochlear implant stimulation strategies in the auditory cortex
  3. 2020-23 GRF: Is impaired binaural hearing in cochlear implantees caused by lack of experience or inappropriate stimulation?
  4. 2021-23 GRF: Sensitivity to envelope and pulse timing interaural time differences in prosthetic hearing
  5. 2024-27 GRF: How Does Experience Shape Binaural Cue Interaction In Bionic Hearing?