The following members of the School of Biomedical Sciences published research papers in various international journals with high Impact Factor between November 2019 and June 2020:
School Members | Article Title | Journal Name | Publication Date |
Prof. Chan Hon-fai | Modulation of macrophages by bioactive glass/sodium alginate hydrogel is crucial in skin regeneration enhancement (Full paper can be viewed HERE) |
Biomaterials | June 2020 |
Prof. Chen Yangchao | CircFOXK2 Promotes Growth and Metastasis of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma by Complexing with RNA-Binding Proteins and Sponging MiR-942 (Full paper can be viewed HERE) |
Cancer Research | June 2020 |
Prof. Eugene Ponomarev | Platelets promote epileptic seizures by modulating brain serotonin level, enhancing neuronal electric activity, and contributing to neuroinflammation and oxidative stress (Full paper can be viewed HERE) |
Progress in Neurobiology | May 2020 |
Prof. Tian Xiaoyu | Intrapulmonary Cellular-Level Distribution of Inhaled Nanoparticles with Defined Functional Groups and Its Correlations with Protein Corona and Inflammatory Response (Full paper can be viewed HERE) |
ACS Nano | November 2019 |
Prof. Chan Hon-fai (middle) and his teammates
Prof. Chen Yangchao (right)
Prof. Eugene Ponomarev
Prof. Tian Xiaoyu (2nd from right)