School of Biomedical Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學

Research Focus for Stem Cells and Regeneration Theme:

The host reaction to tissue injury involves a complex interplay of local and systemic, cellular and hormonal responses. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) present in many adult tissues can generate new cells either continuously or in response to injury/inflammation/cancer. The main research focus of this group is to understand the role of stem cells in diseases and development and to use MSCs for clinical translational research. The main research interests include:

  1. Study the fundamental biological/mechanical factors that control/regulate MSCs proliferation, differentiation and fate.
  2. MSCs as a source for tissue engineering and regeneration such as bone-tendon healing, tendon repair, fracture healing, cardiac tissue repair, etc.
  3. The role of MSCs in cancer development and the use of MSCs as carriers for anti-cancer gene therapy.
  4. Reprogram the somatic cells into induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS) and the use of iPS as models for studying diseases and developmental process.
  5. To use GMP stem cell facility to carry out cell therapy clinical trials.
Prof LEE Ka Ho Kenneth (Chief) 39436785
Prof FENG Bo 39431455
Prof JIANG Xiaohua 39431229
Prof LU Gang 39435739
Prof MAK King Lun Kingston 39434497
Prof WAN Chao 39434494
Prof CHAN Kai Ming Cavor 26322728
Prof CHENG Chun Yiu Jack (Deputy Chief) 26322729
Prof LI Gang 37636153
Prof MAK Fuk Tat Arthur 39438268
Prof POON Wai Sang 26322624


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